About the College of Business and Aviation


Center for Business and Entrepreneurial Research

CBER was established in the College of Business and Aviation in 2005 as an educational, networking, and consulting resource for entrepreneurs, governmental agencies, and owners of privately held businesses.

The aim of the CBER is to stimulate the enterprising spirit and deepen knowledge about entrepreneurial processes in the Delta, both in newly created enterprises and new activities launched by existing businesses. The CBER promotes entrepreneurship by means of development, research, information dissemination and technology awareness-raising activities for entrepreneurs and enterprise leaders.

Objectives of the Center for Business and Entrepreneurial Research are:

  1. To develop a curriculum in entrepreneurship and business technology in the College of Business and Aviation
  2. To grow and leverage small business opportunities by making potential and existing entrepreneurs aware of resources.
  3. To provide small business assistance in developing business plans capital acquisition and utilization, and operating a growing enterprise.

Center for Economic Education and Research

Delta State’s College of Business and Aviation established The Center for Economic Education and Research (CEER) housed within the University’s Division of Accountancy, Computer Information Systems and Finance in Broom Hall in 2010.  The CEER is affiliated with the Mississippi Council on Economic Education (MCEE), and through it, with the Delta State’s Council for Economic Education (CEE).


The mission of CEER at DSU is to provide an academic resource for public and private schools, K-12 teachers and students as well as adult learners in the Mississippi Delta. More specifically, the Center for Economic Education and Research will promote a greater understanding of economics, the United States economic system and financial literacy through educational outreach activities and research.


The Center is founded on the belief economics and entrepreneurship are necessary components of any successful economic development program. CEER will conduct economic education professional development programs for K-12 teachers and will act in a consulting capacity with public and private school systems in the Mississippi Delta.

MCEE is one of 48 state-wide non-profit councils dedicated to advancing economic education and financial literacy through academic centers located on college and university campuses. Collectively, the 48 state councils and their more than 275 centers make up the CEE network. CEE is the umbrella organization which develops curriculum standards, teaching materials, teacher training and assessment instruments for implementation at the state and local levels. The primary functions of the state councils are to generate greater public awareness concerning the need for economic and financial literacy and to raise funds in support of center activity within the state.


The overall mission of CEER will be accomplished through such programs and services as:

  • professional development programs and continuing education courses for K-12 teachers assigned to implement Mississippi’s required economics curriculum;
  • consultation to public and private schools concerning how to implement, manage and assess Mississippi’s required economics curriculum;
  • educational outreach programs for the general public which promote an understanding and appreciation of the United States economic system;
  • programs to promote and encourage sound financial habits, including saving and investment, within households throughout the Mississippi Delta;
  • research expertise for the assessment and evaluation of economics education projects and programs; and,
  • original economics education and financial literacy research to support public policymakers

Delta State University’s Drs. Glendscene Williams, Professor of Finance and Michelle Matthews, Professor of Economics, facilitate and oversee the operations for CEER as Co-Center Directors.

For more information on CEER:
Dr. Glendscene Williams, 662-846-4192, gwillims@paulytheprayingpup.com

For more information on MCEE:


Dr. Glendscene Williams
Professor of Finance

P: 662-846-4192
E: gwillims@paulytheprayingpup.com

Dr. Michelle Matthews
Professor of Economics

P: 662-846-4189
E: mmatthew@paulytheprayingpup.com

Address and Mailing

DSU Box 3324 Broom
Cleveland, MS 38733